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Occupational Health and Safety
Occupational health and safety is a set of measures that protect workers from injuries at the workplace, occupational diseases and other work-related illnesses.
If you are reading this text, you have probably already been visited by the Occupational Health and Safety Inspectorate, you have opened or are about to open a new business, you have had a serious injury to an employee at work, or you simply want to organise occupational health and safety so that you can sleep peacefully and avoid paying high fines imposed by the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Occupational Health and Safety Act
The Occupational Health and Safety Act sets out all the obligations that an employer must fulfil in order to ensure safe working conditions. The Act sets out a series of measures that are implemented through statutory regulations (laws, ordinances, recommendations, guidelines) that detail the necessary safety requirements. Unfortunately, or fortunately, non-compliance with the legal obligations leads to fines for employers and authorised persons of up to several thousand euros.
Failure to implement occupational health and safety can have a negative impact on business, competitiveness and even the survival of a company or business. The cost of worker injuries and potential penalties is greater than the potential investment in prevention and worker safety in the workplace. Do not be deceived into thinking that if you only perform administrative tasks from a comfortable office, occupational safety measures are not necessary. The Occupational Safety and Health Act treats applies equally to all employees.
Occupational health and safety is not just about a hard hat and gloves – it is much more than that.
There are many hazards and risks to protect yourself from at work, such as:
- mechanical hazards – which can lead to minor injuries such as bruises, superficial injuries, punctures, but also serious injuries such as cuts, wounds, fractures and fatal injuries.
- electrical hazards – can lead to serious injuries, in certain cases even to the death of employees.
- fire and explosion hazards – can lead to serious injury, asphyxiation and death as well as significant material damage
- thermal hazards – hot or cold substances and objects can cause burns and frostbite.
- microclimate – slight deviations from the prescribed microclimate conditions such as air temperature, humidity and air velocity can cause discomfort to workers and lead to chronic circulatory diseases and heat stroke or cause and aggravate certain diseases and lead to occupational diseases in the event of long-term exposure.
- noise, vibration – Noise can lead to poor concentration, fatigue, irritability, but also to permanent hearing damage or occupational diseases, while vibration can affect the whole body or just the hands and arms. Exposure to vibrations causes damage to blood vessels, muscles, tendons, bones and joints as well as nerves and can lead to occupational diseases with long-term exposure.
- chemical substances – dust, fumes, gases, vapours, mists, fibres, etc.; even short-term exposure to a particular chemical substance can have serious consequences for workers.
- biological agents – viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi, insects, organic substances, etc. can cause various diseases, mostly occupational diseases.
- harmful radiation – ionising and non-ionising radiation causes diseases such as cancer, leukaemia, cataracts, skin damage, etc., all of which are considered occupational diseases.
- irregular, inadequate lighting – causes subjective disorders, increases visual impairment, strains the eyes and causes headaches.
- physical exertion – unfavourable posture when sitting, standing, squatting, kneeling, handling objects, loads (carrying, holding, pressing, pushing, pulling, turning, lifting), walking, running, climbing, descending can cause health problems and illnesses, some of which are considered occupational diseases.
- psychophysiological strain – especially in jobs that require observation, the use of various signals, shift work, night work, management tasks, when the workload is particularly high, they can cause various psychosomatic illnesses.
How you can protect yourself at work
Zadar Dienst d.o.o. is an authorised company that provides services in the field of occupational health and safety. The services we offer allow you to perform all tasks in the field of occupational health and safety comfortably, quickly and easily under the most favourable conditions. We have the appropriate licences and permits for all occupational health and safety services. We guarantee professional, high-quality and fully transparent occupational health and safety services, with no hidden costs.
If you have any doubts, please feel free to contact us. We can provide you with basic information upon first contact.
E-mail: zaštita@zadar-dienst.hr
Mobile Pero: +385 98 136 11 88
Mobile Ivan: +385 91 618 96 36
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